Can you Help?
This page has been added to ask for specific help from Nisbet Doll Collectors everywhere.
We guess that within your collections, you have a wide range of dolls, including many Nisbet rarities. We suspect, that as collectors, you also keep all the catalogues, paperwork, doll tags, certificates, cards and boxes associated with your dolls. It's likely that you may have had interesting conversations with other collectors, retailers, or even Peggy Nisbet herself. Perhaps you visited her workrooms, or had tea with her at Tower House. If you can answer "yes" to any of these statements, there's a chance that you may be able to help!
Every so often, we come across a Nisbet "mystery", and wondered if you could provide some more information on a particular doll, or range of dolls. We are hoping that someone out there will be able to help solve one of our Nisbet Mysteries - We will list the topics we would like your help with on the right, and if you feel that you can offer any information, you will have earned the grateful thanks of Nisbet doll collectors everywhere!