Body Language Bears
"This bear is new and unique in the teddy bear world, a truly exciting patented design achievement by the House of Nisbet. The concept was to create an attractive traditional looking bear who could "speak" to his "keeper" in the endless way his body can be posed. His body pose is his "language", hence the name Body Language Bear.
The Nisbet Body Language Bear has a flexible skeleton throughout his body designed in such a way that his head, body, and limbs can be twisted and bent to form all kinds of poses. There is a special component in each footaccessible through a button hole on the sole of each foot. Into this component will fit a lug or pin protruding from a metal stand or base which comes free with every bear.
Three editions of the Body Language Bear are available, each shown in four random poses"
Quote taken from page 5 of the January 1988 "House of Nisbet catalogue
Body Language Bears were introduced in 1987, and came in three versions -
5300 - Body Language Bear 15" - Gold Mohair
5301 - Body Language Bear 15" - Honey Mohair Distressed
5302 - Body Language Bear 15" - Sapphire Plush (which was white!)
These were expensive bears - on their introduction in 1987, 5301 Honey Mohair Distressed was priced at £39.95, however, in 1988, the price had fallen to £29.95. By comparison, 5302 - Sapphire Plush was £19.95 in 1998, and £24.95 in 1989.
These bears do not appear to have been in production, (and are not mentioned in any paperwork we have access to), after 1989
Unfortunately, no Body Language Bears could be persuaded to come for a photoshoot, so we have reproduced a section of page 5 of the January 1988 "House of Nisbet" catalogue, which shows the three family members in a number of poses