Tower Treasures "Dumpies" were a range of wooden 2½ inch (6cm) tall, or 4 inch (10cm) tall wooden dolls. This set of nine strange little dolls resembled wooden bullets, dressed in various costumes.
The list of characters is here :
D/1 England - London
D/2 England - Country
D/3 Scots Piper
D/4 Scotland - Chieftain
D/5 Ireland - Colleen
D/6 Wales
D/7 Guardsman (4 inch / 10cm tall)
D/8 Piper (4 inch / 10cm tall)
D/9 Big Chief
Dumpies were introduced for sale by W H Smith & Son Airport Shops, and through Boots the Chemist. They were intended primarily for the tourist trade, and are quite unusual finds for the Nisbet collector. Their attraction rests in their curiosity value, more than any other attribute
Update :16th March 2014
Our thanks to Keith P for a number of very interesting pictures, and some new information :
Shown below are three new "Dumpies" - D7 Guardsman and D8 Piper are 5" tall (though the dumpie body may well be only 4" tall). The final picture shows a pair of dumpies that were previously unknown to us. Keith tells us that they were Barristers, and that he can recall his mother, (who was an Outworker (home worker) for Peggy Nisbet), making at least one batch of these unusual dumpies. He also suggests that they might have been samples, or trials for a new doll.
Can you throw any light on these unusual dolls for us?