Porcelain Dolls
Doulton Nisbet Dolls
Edwardian Social Scene
This range of dolls was issued to provide the House of Nisbet with an opportunity to showcase a range of elegant Edwardian costumes, all linked to various events in the social calendar of the day - Racing at Ascot, and the Henley Regatta, (although this doll was originally named "Cowes Regatta"). Other events included "Lords Cricket Ground", (where the annual cricket matches between Harrow and Eton, and Oxford and Cambridge, both held in July), and "Presentation at Court", (when the young Debutante was presented (introduced) to the Monarch), were also prominent features of the Social Calendar.
Various activities were also proposed (as prototypes), but never appeared as production models - These include "Boating", and "Lady Motorist".
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